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Family Stories

Episodes in the Family Saga

One of the joys of seriously working in genealogy (and probably one of the reasons an English degree can lead to this work), is that you get the opportunity to organize the information you find, and use it to tell the story of a life. This is really what the profession is all about- telling the story of who we are, by looking at who we have been. In this space, it is my goal to share the stories I have found in the combined, extended, family tree, from the nexus of Slusser/Potts/McDermott/Dewey and Roston/Gordon/Raser/Nissly. This is not going to be an easy task. The extended tree has more than 30,000 names, and growing almost daily. I would appreciate all the help I can get. If you would like to contribute a family story, please send it to me here.* This section takes the most time to create, and, in my opinion, is really the most important. While it may be an impossible goal, every voice should be heard, and every story told.


*(While I may edit for mechanics- spelling, grammar, etc.-I believe in preserving the voice of a writer, so, I promise, any changes will be minimal and I will check with you first before making any major revisions. I will, also, check for historical accuracy- dates, etc.- but, again, I will contact you if there are any discrepancies that need to be worked out.)


Click on the family picture for stories from that branch.



Larvie Family Project

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