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Adventures in DNA

Stories from the Deep End of the Gene Pool

Recently, I began using DNA for genealogical research. I had heard stories about breakthroughs, and long lost family members being found, and bonding with newly discovered relatives, but the reality turned out to be even more amazing and surprising than I ever could have imagined. First, my aunt, Deirdre McDermott, was brave enough to be the guinea pig, and we sent in her DNA, in hopes of finding members of her birthmother's family. I was the next volunteer, and the revelations from my DNA, combined with my aunt's, have been so profound that, thinking about them, I am shaking as I write this.


On this page, I will be sharing those stories from the deep end of the gene pool. If anyone would like to contribute to the genetic family tree, please  click here to visit my site on Patreon. (To participate in the family DNA project, sign up for *one month at the $125 level. This covers the $99 fee for DNA processing, shipping and taxes. Also, I will take care of registering the test, and sorting your results. In other words, all you have to do is spit in the tube, and drop it in the mail. I also include a few other little perks, to say thank you for your time and help with this project.)


*Patreon is a site that allows people to sponsor various projects. You choose who you wish to sponsor, how much you wish to give, and for how long. You can sponsor someone for $1 for one month, if you choose. So, you can certainly sign up to sponsor this project for more than one month, if that is what you want. You will find my beloved and honored sponsors on the Sponsors page, here.

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